These are the important smart contract addresses of Sky Strife:

Type Address Description
Team Wallet Wallet 0x2633E3FAB141B39d29B560e61014c298f8e9c7F4 The Sky Strife team’s wallet address, used for admin access and deployment.
(Sky Pool)** Contract 0x9d05cc196c87104a7196fcca41280729b505dbbf The MUD world address, and the holder of all orbs at the beginning of the world

See ‣ for more info. | | Orbs (🔮) | ERC-20 | 0x32444d4DEb1f8FA35A235FF997D5a22aC74b0e48 | The ERC-20 token of the Sky Strife world.

See ‣ to learn more. | | Sky Key | NFT | 0xf98e72B7a5effAb657f1605D67c2234De6f6c3D3 | This NFT grants admin privileges to the Sky Strife world, such as changing game balance and the reward curve.

See ‣ to learn more. | | Season Pass | NFT | 0x1AA37F2b53EA928d761428B24B7eF45A4847B7BF | See ‣ to learn more. |

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